Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century

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288 Kč
259 KčCena vč. DPH
Žánr | Děti, Historie, Autobiografie, Angličtina |
Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred.“ Václav Havel
Martin Vopěnka weaves historical events with biographical narratives, describing the essence of a totalitarian society and the individual's yearning for truth.
Are there gaps in your children's knowledge of 20th-century history? Would they struggle to assemble basic information about Václav Havel's life? This experienced author describes the personality of the first Czech president within the context of 20th-century history. He artfully combines historical occurrences with personal accounts, describing the nature of a totalitarian society and the unwavering pursuit of truth by individuals. Young readers will acquire a lucid understanding of figures like Masaryk and Hitler, the aftermath of the Munich Betrayal, and the milieu in which Václav Havel came of age. Following February 1948, the thoughtful, privileged child transformed into an undesirable son of a bourgeois family with the label "unsuitable for studies". Nevertheless, his heart and intellect were in the right place. His clear vision of the world around him and his personal charisma eventually propelled him into the unofficial leadership of the anti-regime movement and the presidency of our country.
Autor | Martin Vopěnka |
Interpret | Peter Hosking |
Vydavatel | Tympanum |
Překladatel | Anna Bryson |
Celková délka | 02:08:00 |
Vydáno | 2023 |
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